In a very short transition time from explorer to producer, Abra is committed to managing our business in a sustainable and responsible manner. One of our core values is sustainability.
“We respect our people, the community, land, and our mineral wealth for they are our future”
Health, Safety and Wellbeing
At Abra, the health and safety of our employees, contractors, and the communities in which we operate is our number one priority.
Abra will continue to review and revise its health, safety and wellbeing management initiatives and will continue to look for new ways to improve employees training and their overall work experience.
Abra’s approach to health and safety complies with all relevant Western Australian legislation.
As the Abra mine approaches production of lead-silver concentrate in 2023, extensive operational readiness planning is being done in relation to employee safety and hygiene standards.
Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Abra is committed to conducting its mining and exploration activities in a manner that complies with environmental legislation and is also responsible and considerate of the environment and our communities.
The Abra mine is in a semi-arid area, between the regional centres of Newman and Meekatharra within the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. The area is within the boundary of the shire of Meekatharra and the Mulgul station pastoral lease. The area is described as “undulating stony uplands, low hills and ridges and stony lower plans with Mulga shrublands”. Geologically the mine sits within the Edmund Sedimentary Basin. The hard sediments form ridges and hills and scattered rock fragments. 84% of the Gascoyne region is covered by large Pastoral leases.
The Gascoyne region typically receives low amounts of rainfall influenced by northern cyclonic events. The average annual rainfall at a nearby regional location is 238mm per annum. The average annual maximum temperature is 29oC and the average minimum temperature is 16oC. In the summer months temperatures can reach as high as 40oC.
Baseline ecological, hydrological, and Aboriginal heritage surveys were undertaken at the Project location as part of the environmental impact assessment process.
Environment Policy
Abra acknowledges the impact of climate change and recognises the challenges facing society and the environment. Abra is committed to contributing to the global effort to combat climate change. The Abra mine will produce mineral concentrate which will be processed into refined lead metal, which is essential material required for the transition to a low carbon economy through its key role in enabling storage of energy produced from renewable sources.
Our climate strategy focuses on the implementation of sustainable, economic, and proven technologies to assist with minimising greenhouse gas emissions.
The company’s decision to build a 10MW hybrid power station at the Abra mine (LNG gas power station combined with 6MW of solar power generation capacity and a 2MW battery storage system) has enabled the mine to halve its carbon emission footprint. Contract Power (Pacific Energy) are building the power station which is scheduled to be commissioned in late 2022.
The Nharnuwangga Wajarri and Ngarlawangga (NWN) people are recognised as the traditional owners of the country where the Abra mine is located. The NWN people have granted Native Title for the area and the Jidi Jidi Aboriginal Corporation is the group representing the NWN people.
The small community of Yulga Jinna is the nearest community which is over 150 kilometres south of Abra.
There are many culturally important places to the NWN people and Abra is committed to conserving the Indigenous heritage and working with traditional owners to ensure significant sites are identified, respected and protected. Heritage areas around the project site are fenced and signposted to warn people of inadvertent access.
Abra actively supports the local Ranger program where training is occurring for the Rangers to achieve a certificate ll/lll in conservation and land management. The completion of the current and future Ranger training programs is very important for the local community as it will establish long term conservation and land management initiatives. Abra is supporting the ranger program though accommodation and logistical support.

Corporate Governance
AMPL is committed to a high standard of corporate governance. The Abra JV is built around the framework provided in the Shareholders’ Agreement (Abra JV agreement) which outlines the Abra JV governance process. The Abra JV Board of Directors is made up of three representatives from Galena and two representatives from Toho.
Underpinned by the Corporate Governance standards in place for the separate Abra JV partners, Galena and Toho, AMPL strives to ensure sound management practices, risk identification and minimisation and optimal Abra JV performance.
Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy
Confidentiality & Privacy Policy
The Abra JV corporate governance policies will be continually reviewed due to the changing operating conditions and environment.
Royal Flying Doctor Service
Abra is an active sponsor of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) and has entered into a partnership agreement with them. The company is extremely proud to play an active part in this iconic Australian organisation that provides a unique and world class service to regional Australia.
The RFDS has played a big part in the development of the Abra mine and the company is extremely grateful of the service and support they provide. Abra will continue to support the RFDS in any way they can.
Click here to find out more about our partnership with the RFDS.